In Truth

In times of confusion, challenge and even being taken to the point of what feels like absolute annihilation, I would invite you to step into the remembrance of more of what is true, more of what is Truth.

There is a place within you that knows... All that unfolds is neutral.  

The Universe does not perceive experiences as positive or negative, joyful or challenging. We define our experience of anything based on how we choose to relate to it. Through our mindful and empowered choices or through our unconscious patterning, we assign meaning to every experience we have. 

In Truth, we are part of a loving, supportive universe and as such, life will continue to offer us that which we most deeply need in order that we might know ourselves anew-  each time offering us the opportunity to remember ourselves as Love.

Without exception, the Universe is operating on our behalf to assist us in having experiences that stimulate a response, activate or trigger us. That which surfaces in us becomes our engraved invitation to see and respond differently than ever before, each and every time. 

Put differently, every time you are triggered, you are given a chance to choose to see things differently in order that you might come to know the great power within you- the freedom to choose how you respond versus how you react.  Through empowered choice, you choose what you perceive and through which lenses you are going to respond to what life is offering you. As such, you engage the power to choose only that which you really desire to experience.

Unfortunately, all too often, what is triggered within us distracts us from this remembrance and instead of empowered response, we react to life's events from our unsolved wounded places within. However, even bringing this to light within you now as you read these words transmits an energy that is creating space for new choice.  

Look at what is unfolding before you right now.  Regardless of how you might characterize it as good, bad, enlivening or challenging, practice seeing through new lenses as you remember that your experience is unfolding on your behalf so that you might experience yourself more fully- giving you the chance to choose love. How would love respond to what is unfolding before you? How would compassion respond?  How might you respond differently than ever before?

Beneath all else we perceive, Love is the answer to any question ever asked.

Jennifer NevyComment