Becoming Whole Again

When old patterns surface and you find yourself feeling the distance between you and the love you seek, distance between you and the vitality you desire, distance between you and the abundance you wish to experience, please understand that this distance stems from a sweet, innocent part of you that is wanting to hold on so tight to the notion of separation- separation as a mechanism to keep you from connecting with something that could potentially be lost or taken away.

She who has been touched by loss is endeavoring to keep you from knowing pain.

Bless this Innocent One, for in her fear she’s going to make sure that your eyes are drawn to every example imaginable of why you are not getting your fair shake in life...

...and when this happens you just compassionately say, “Sweetheart, bless you. I love you. I’m not leaving you. I’m right here with you. There’s room for you too.”

For as we embrace and integrate our wounded parts, we are made whole again.

Jennifer NevyComment