Higher Love

To really experience the nectar of Love’s greatest expression requires that we cherish the opportunity to love from the best places within ourselves- from kindness, presence, compassion- from consciousness.

When a partner, a lover or a friend stumbles into their own unconscious behavior, as a gift to their innocent heart and yours, endeavor to hold a space of love for them. When you find yourself sitting across from someone’s unconscious patterning or abrasiveness, when they show up with anything less than the very best of themselves that you so fully deserve, in those very moments see if you can be even kinder, even more present and even more loving as you take the reins of the experience and affirm you commitment to remaining in love.

One of the most important questions of self-inquiry that we can engage in relationship to another is ‘Can I love this person enough not to make him/her/them wrong?’

What if instead we cherished ourselves enough to look at what triggers us without assigning blame to another or to anything at all?

What if we took the time to meet with kindness and compassion what is arising in us when we find ourselves in challenging moments?

Engaging in this way from the very best of ourselves is rich. It’s juicy, it’s passionate, it’s loving, it’s empowering, it’s real and it’s a reflection of a bigger, deeper love- the kind that heals all wounds, inspires greatness and deepens meaning in life.

Jennifer NevyComment