Taking Your Fear by the Hand

Do you ever find yourself endeavoring to side step around your fears and insecurities?

Perhaps you’ve noticed how this maneuvering keeps what you really want at arm’s length as you wait for enough of the fear to subside so that you can feel safe to move toward what you desire.

In these times of expanding awareness, we are being asked to come to know the power of integrating our fears, insecurities and self-doubt compassionately as our constant companions. Not something to avoid or overcome, but rather as a real and natural part of our human experience.

Rather than allowing these feelings to keep you from your dreams, desires and purpose, create room for all of it and continue walking in the direction you want to go. Rather than waiting for these emotions to subside enough to take action, be kind and compassionate to the One within you having them and then...

...take that fear by the hand and walk it across the threshold into the next best experience of yourself. Be scared shitless, and, keep going.

Jennifer NevyComment