Just Breath

In times of such dynamic movement, continual change and frequently heightened emotions, stress can often extend its looming reach into our lives and bodies as we meet the fullness of our days.

Stress is the natural result when we venture outside ourselves, away from our breath to meet something other than the moment we are in.

As contrary as it may feel in moments such as these, our great opportunity is to recognize stress as the kind and loving sensation our body is offering as an invitation to slow down, reconnect with our breath, and come back to ourselves.

Life is full and it asks much of us, but it is not bigger than our ability to remember our opportunity to reach for empowered choices that help us to find our way home to our hearts- to our fullest embodied experience of Self.

If stress is tapping you on the shoulder, claim a moment for yourself- step outside and connect with the spaciousness of the sky, have a drink of water, take your shoes off and wiggle your toes upon the earth, and while this spaciousness gently brings you back to yourself, breathe. For breath is Truth- it is the essence of Love that ushered you here and the very gift that sustains you. Be with it. Be with you.

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