Love Fearlessly

I am marveling this week at the resiliency and integrity of some many beautiful people courageously finding their way in and out of relationships.

As empaths, we have a tendency to overstay in our relationships- always seeing the potential of what could be, dedicated to ‘learning’ all there is to learn, desiring to protect the hearts of those we care for, often staying beyond the point that it is good for our own heart.

Embracing the wisdom to allow room for change when change is what is most aligned is one of the most courageous choices we can ever make for ourselves, and, it is a gift to others. In fact, often it is the most loving choice we can make. But damn, it is not easy.

Likewise, it requires courage to really lean in to something new and unknown when our heart pulls us toward another. To truly love with all of oneself may be the most courageous act we will ever know.

The way toward love will never be led by the mind, only by the heart.

Our thoughts cannot guide us into the purity, beauty and depth of Love’s greatest potential. That doorway is only through the heart. Our heart will guide us toward another. Our mind will create confusion, give us reasons to shy away and distract us with fear. It takes immense courage to live from the heart.

Whether your heart is inviting you in to Love’s embrace or is leading you toward liberating yourself from something that has outgrown its time in service to Love, be courageous. Love and leave fearlessly, with integrity, kindness, presence and heart.

And, in all you do, do it in the name of Love.

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